Mammography (incl. Tomosynthesis)
The breast examination (mammography) is performed in order to detect breast cancer in a timely manner. In this examination, a conventional X-ray examination is
performed in two planes of the female breast. In order to achieve optimum image quality, the breast must be compressed for
this examination. An optimal compression will result in a high quality and precise image. Also, the radiation of the examination
will be kept very low. Unfortunately, female patients don´t perceive this compression as convenient. Our female assistants
will however do their best in order to avoid any discomfort for the patients. The compression will last only a few seconds
and will decrease immediately after the image has been created.
As a matter of routine, we perform a Tomosynthesis with each of our patients. This new layering technique allows a better and more detailed representation of the breast tissue.
Especially in the case of dense breasts, the evaluation is made easier, since superimpositions of dense structures no longer
pose a problem. According to the literature, up to 30% more tumours are found with this technique than with conventional mammography.
Due to our positive experience with this method over several years, we now examine all patients with it (without generating
additional costs for them).
In addition, the physician also will medically examine the breast in order to check whether palpable densifications can be
found in the glandular body. In some cases, especially if the glandular parenchyma body of the breast is very dense, or if
a palpable lesion can be detected, a further ultrasound examination of the breast will be performed. This won´t cause any
further radiation exposure for the patient.
All mammographies will additionally be examined by a second radiologist. The quality of the findings will be optimized and improved by means of a second opinion.
Our institute has been awarded the quality certificate of the Austrian Radiological Society (ÖRG) and the Federal Specialist Group Radiology (BURA) for breast diagnostics. Regular renewals of those certifications confirm our high quality standard.
Please register online for a Mammography appointment
Women between 40 and 44 years or above 70 years of age who wish to undergo a preventive mammography every other year are asked
to independently register for the early detection program.
- On the day of the examination please don´t apply any deodorants and body creams (zinc ointment, Penaten cream).
- For purely preventive mammograms, it is recommended that the appointment should be made between the 7th and 13th day of the female cycle, because the compression will then turn out less painful and a pregnancy can be excluded.
- For women with newly occurring changes (e.g. lumps, skin or nipple retractions) it is advisable to carry out an emergency examination (without taking regard of
the female cycle) - at least with ultrasound.
Every other year, the nationwide early detection program automatically sends a letter to every women between 45 and 69 years of age in order to recommend a preventive mammography.
This invitation makes you eligible to make an appointment at our clinic. At this point, no further paperwork is required.
If you are in this age group, but you didn´t receive any invitation and still wish to undergo a mammography, you are welcome
to call us, make an appointment and just bring your insurance card (Ecard). This examination will only be possible every other
year. Women between 40 and 44 years or above 70 years of age who wish to undergo a preventive mammography every other year are asked
to independently register for the early detection program.
Then, a letter will be sent to you which makes you eligible to make an appointment at our clinic.
If you have a family history of breast cancer (breast cancer of your mother/sister when they were under 40 years of age) or
if you have already been diagnosed with cancer and you are now in follow-up care or you have pain or a palpable lesion, we
ask you to get in touch with your family doctor and get a referral in order to get an appointment at our clinic to have a
mammography performed.
A preventative mammography is performed with a very low radiation dose. Since the breast is compressed between two plates,
the dose can be even furtherly reduced. If women from the age of 40 are mammographed annually, the risk of developing breast
cancer increases from 10% to 10.02%. The "natural risk" - compared with the risk of developing breast cancer as a result of
exposure to radiation - is therefore much higher.
A female doctor is working with us, namely (Dr Daniela Kienzl-Palma) and also female doctors from a mammography centre on a case-by-case basis (KH Rudolfstiftung, KH SMZ Süd). If you would
like to be examined by a female doctor, please let us know when you make an appointment.
If a conspicuous or malignant finding is detected during mammography, our doctors will try to discuss this with you in person.
In such cases we ask you to comply with our recommendations to take certain measures. If you are unsure, feel free to contact
us or call the breast health centre.
If you have chest pain or a palpable lesion, please contact your family doctor immediately in order to get a mammogram referral.
When registering, be sure to state that you feel a palpable lump or chest pain.